Care and Cleaning During Fabrication and Installation
- Even though MelaWood®has a durable melamine surface, utmost care must still be taken during handling, machining, and installing, so not to cause mechanical damage to the MelaWood® surface.
- To reduce the risk of scratches, prevent excess dust accumulating on the components’ surfaces during fabrication.
- Some cleaning chemicals and liquids used on components during fabrication can cause staining if left on the surface for too long. These should be wiped away immediately after being applied, using a soft damp cloth. Ensure all chemical residue is removed and repeat the process, as necessary.
- To reduce the risk of scratches, never slide or rub panels or component pieces over each other during stacking and handling.
- The fabricator must ensure their specific cleaning regime used during fabrication does not result in surface residue build-up or mechanical or chemical surface damage.
- Never use abrasive cleaning products, pot scourers, steel wool or bleaching agents as these can lead to mechanical or chemical damage of the melamine surface.
- For really tough dirt, a soft brush can be used, but take care not to cause mechanical or moisture damage around sensitive areas like edges and joins.
- Always take care to prevent any moisture from penetrating any unprotected area or exposed edges, as this could lead to swelling.
- Never use scrapers, scorers, steel wool or any other abrasive tool or material on the melamine surface.
- Diluted name brand window-cleaning products (1 part window cleaner to 2 parts water) are great for avoiding or removing drying marks and smears on the surface.
Daily Cleaning
- Hard-working MelaWood® does not require any special maintenance, thanks to its tough, impermeable melamine surface.
- MelaWood® does not require any sort of furniture polish either.
- Always use a damp, soft, lint-free cloth to remove daily grime, followed by an absorbent soft paper towel or microfibre cloth to dry.
- For best results with more stubborn dirt, use a mild soap and water solution with a soft cloth, followed by a damp cloth to remove any soapy streaks, followed by an absorbent soft paper towel or microfibre cloth to dry. The soft cloth must be well rung out so as not to overly wet the surface.
Never use any of the following cleaning agents on the melamine surface:
- Scouring and abrasive agents such as abrasive powders, scouring pads and steel wool
- Polish with abrasive compounds, washing powder, furniture cleaner and bleach
- Detergents with strong acids and acidic salts • Steam cleaning equipment
- Certain solvents.
Always check the active ingredients in your cleaners to avoid potentially harmful chemicals damaging the surface.
- acetone
- amyl-acetate
- butyl acetate
- caustic soda
- chlorinated solvents
- cresols/phenols
- ethyl-acetate
- halogenated solvents
- methyl ethyl ketone (MEK)
- toluene
- ammonia
- benzene
- butyl alcohol
- cellusolve
- chloroform
- dichloromethane
- glacial acetate acid
- methyl alcohol
- thinners • xylene
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Source Credit:
Download: 8894 MelaWood Care Instruction A4 FA (1)